Jurnal Konsultan: Minggu XXIV (11.2007)

Senin, 19 November 2007
[R. 602: 10.00-14.00] Memoderatori Rapat Tim Juri Kontes Game Edukasi Indonesia (KGEI) 2007 dengan agenda review kesiapan (1) Buku Panduan KGEI 2007, (2) Format/Angket/Kuisoner Penjurian, (3) Administrasi, (4) Akomodasi, (5) Transportasi, (6) Logistik, (7) Ketertiban/Keamanan, dan (8) Dokumentasi/Publikasi serta pemetaan RAB. Dalam rapat sekaligus juga direncanakan International Edu Game Festival 2007 di ITB Bandung pada tanggal 27-29 Desember 2007.
[R. Sistem Informasi: 14.00-16.00] Memutakhirkan dan menyerahkan daftar nama Provider dan ICT Center yang akan menerima Dana Subsidi Pelatihan Jardiknas Tahap VIII kepada Bendahara PUMK Beasiswa Unggulan untuk diproses pengirimannya melalui BNI Capem Depdiknas.
[R. Office, PT Microsoft Indonesia, JSX 2/18: 16.30-17.30] Menghadiri rapat koordinasi keberangkatan delegasi guru dan dosen Indonesia ke 4th ICET 2007 di Singapore. Rapat dibuka oleh Public Sector Director dan dipandu oleh Education Program Manager Microsoft Indonesia.

Selasa, 20 November 2007
[Bandara Soekarno-Hatta: 07.20-09.20] Bersama tim delegasi guru & dosen Indonesia 4th ICET 2007 yang terdiri atas Pak Ali Mustofa (MI Khadijah Malang), Ibu Ninik Risdana Astuty (SMPN 3 Malang) Ibu Jatmikorini Veronika (SMAN 2 Malang), Pak Triyono (SMKN 4 Malang), dan Pak Bambang (Dosen UNSA Solo) menuju Singapore dengan Singapore Airlines SQ 953.
[Bandara Changi, Singapore: 12.45-13.15] Mengantarkan tim delegasi guru & dosen Indonesia 4th ICET 2007 dari Bandara Changi ke Orchard Hotel di 442 Orchard Road.
[Orchard Cafe, Singapore: 20.30-21.30] Bersama tim delegasi guru & dosen Indonesia menghadiri jamuan makan malam atas undangan Microsoft Indonesia. Kemudian membahas rencana kegiatan konferensi selama 21-22 November 2007 di Republic Polytechnic dan workshop pada 23 November 2007 di NIE.

Rabu, 21 November 2007
[Hall 1, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore: 09.00-12.45] Bersama tim delegasi guru & dosen Indonesia mengikuti Pembukaan 4t ICET 2007
yang bertema Rethinking Pedagogies: Creating Possibilities through Digital and Interactive Media, kemudian menyimak & mempelajari paparan keynote speaker: 1) “Preparing Students for the Digital Age” oleh RADM (NS) Ronnie Tan, CEO IDA Singapore, 2) “Immersive, Collaborative Simulations and Neomillennial Learning Styles: Implications for Education” oleh Professor Christopher Dede, Harvard University, USA.
[Hall 1, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore: 14.15-17.45] Menyimak & mempelajari Breakout Session yang diisi oleh keynote speaker: 1) “Engaging Students in 21 st Century Learning with innovative, Interactive Digital Technologies” oleh Dr Catherine McLoughlini, Associate Professor, ACU National, Canberra, Australia, 2) “Gaming Boundaries through and for Learning” oleh Dr Steven Zuiker, Learning Sciences & Technologies, National Institute of Education. 3) “Measuring The Value of Educational Technologies In Schools International Project ” oleh Keith Krueger, CEO Consortium of School Network, USA. 4) “From Addition to Assimilation: How teachers’ conceive and practice ‘ICT integration’” oleh Dr Vince Ham, Director Research CORE Education, New Zealand.

Kamis, 22 November 2007
[Hall 1, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore: 09.00-12.45] Menyimak & mempelajari paparan keynote speaker: 1) “Emerging Trends in Interactive Digital Media and their Impact on Education” oleh AP Professor Leong Mun Kew. Divisional Director of Services and Applications, Institute of Infocomm Research, Singapore. 2) Active Learning Through Gaming Chaired” oleh Professor Angeline Khoo, NIE, Singapore.
[Hall 1, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore: 14.15-17.45] Menyimak & mempelajari Breakout Session yang diisi oleh keynote speaker: 1) “Exploring Digital Games for Playing vs. Learning in Korea: Implications for Design of EduGame” oleh Dr. Hyeonjin Kim, Senior Researcher, KERIS, Korea , 2) “The Consolarium: Learning and Teaching Scotland’s advocate for Games Based Learning” oleh Derek P. Robertson, New Technologies Development Officer, Learning and Teaching, Scotland. 3) “Productive Failureoleh Dr. Manu Kumar, Learning Science & Technologies, NIE, Singapore. 4) “Wikis, Blogs, Aggregators and Office 2.0 – Democratizing the Student Learning Process” oleh Mike Leishman, Educational Computing Association of West Australia, Australia,

Jum’at, 23 November 2007
[National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore: 12.30-13.00] Bersama delegasi guru dan dosen Indonesia visitasi ke COTF (Classroom of the Future) yang berada di NIE Singapore.
[National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore: 14.00-17.00] Mengikuti workshop “Leadership That Enables Effective Use of ICT in Education” yang diajarkan oleh Dr Keith Krueger, CEO, Consortium for School Networking (CoSN), USA.

Sabtu, 24 November 2007
[Hotel Bumi Karsa Bidakara, Jakarta: 15.00-16.00] Mempresentasikan hasil konferensi dan workshop 4th ICET 2007 Singapore kepada partisipan Workshop ASPnet: “Workshop on the Benefit of On-line Collaborative Learning trough iEARN.

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